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Soort tabletten: Hier is alles wat u wilt weten


Definitie van tabletten


Wilt u het type tablet weten?? Tabletten, algemeen bekend als pillen, worden voornamelijk gemaakt door poeder of korrels met medicijningrediënten onder hoge druk samen te persen in een tabletpers om een ​​vaste vorm en grootte te vormen. Deze kunnen rond zijn, ovale of andere speciale vormen, meestal met een letter of cijfer erin gegraveerd om de inhoud en werkzaamheid van het medicijn te helpen identificeren. Tabletten zijn de meest gebruikte doseringsvorm voor geneesmiddelen ter wereld, en zijn populair vanwege hun draagbaarheid, gemakkelijk opbergen, en gebruiksgemak.


soorten tablets


Soorten tabletten


Tablets zijn grofweg onderverdeeld in de volgende categorieën op basis van hun functie, vorm, en wijze van toediening:


1. Gecomprimeerde tabletten

Het meest voorkomende type tablet, meestal gemaakt door het comprimeren van een of meer medicijnen, vulstoffen, adhesives and other ingredients.


2. Film-coated Tablets

Refers to tablets covered with a film coating, which can improve taste, increase aesthetics and mask the taste of the drug, enz.


3. Sustained-Release Tablets

These tablets release drugs gradually over a period of time to maintain a stable drug concentration and reduce the frequency of dosing.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Type of Tablets


There are many type of tablets due to their unique formulations and administration methods


Common Compressed Tablets


A. Definition and Description Type of Tablets


Compressed tablets, as the name implies, are formed by applying high pressure to drug powder or granules through a tabletpersmachine. In addition to the drug ingredients, they may also include fillers, compression agents, lubricants, enz. to optimize the tableting process and tablet properties. Compressed tablets are a common type of tablet and are also the most popular.


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B. Uses of Compressed Tablets


Compressed type of tablets are widely used in the treatment of various diseases due to their sturdy appearance and ease of carrying. They can contain various types of drug ingredients, including antibiotics, pain medications, antidepressants, lipid-regulating drugs, and vitamins. The release rate and time of the drug can also be adjusted as needed to better meet the needs of patients and doctors.


C. Examples of compressed tablets


1. Aspirin

2. Ibuprofen

3. Vitamin C tablets

4. L-carnitine tablets


D. Voordelen


1. Low production cost: The tableting process does not require the use of expensive equipment or complicated operating steps.


2. High energy density: Because the tablets are compressed tightly, each tablet can contain more drug.


3. Long shelf life: Because there is no moisture, it can prevent microbial growth, so the shelf life of the drug is longer.


E. Nadelen


1. Taste: Some people may find it difficult to swallow tablets.


2. Stability: For some unstable drugs, tableting may cause the drug to decompose or deteriorate.


3. No flavoring: Because the drug needs to be swallowed whole in the mouth, this limits its taste, which may make some tablets taste worse.


Coated tablets


This is a pharmaceutical dosage form in which one or more layers of drugs or other substances are coated on the surface of ordinary tablets. This coating type of tablets can protect the drug and prevent it from decomposing during storage, or it can cover the taste of the drug and improve the comfort of patients taking it.


film coated tablet




Bescherm het medicijn: Het kan voorkomen dat het medicijn wordt aangetast door vocht, zuurstof in de lucht en licht tijdens opslag en transport.

Verbeterde stabiliteit: Het kan de houdbaarheid van het medicijn verlengen en de stabiliteit van het medicijn verbeteren.

Bedek de smaak: Het kan de smaak en het uiterlijk van de tabletten verbeteren, het aanvaardbaarder maken van de tabletten en het verbeteren van de therapietrouw van patiënten die het geneesmiddel gebruiken.

Gecontroleerde afgifte: Het kan de afgiftesnelheid en locatie van het medicijn in het lichaam reguleren om de werkzaamheid te optimaliseren en bijwerkingen te verminderen.




Complex productieproces: Het productieproces van omhulde tabletten is complex, vereist speciale apparatuur en technologie, en is kostbaar.

Kan de absorptie van het geneesmiddel beïnvloeden: Als het coatingmateriaal niet goed is geselecteerd of het coatingproces niet goed onder controle is, het kan de afgifte van het medicijn beïnvloeden, waardoor de biologische beschikbaarheid van het medicijn wordt beïnvloed.

Zware opslagomstandigheden: Er zijn bepaalde vereisten voor omgevingsomstandigheden zoals vochtigheid, en het is gemakkelijk om door vocht te worden aangetast en ervoor te zorgen dat de coating loslaat.


Tabletten met verlengde afgifte


A. Definitie en beschrijving


Tabletten met verlengde afgifte zijn speciaal ontworpen tabletten die geneesmiddelen geleidelijk over een lange periode afgeven om stabiele geneesmiddelconcentraties in het bloed te behouden. Dit type tablet zorgt ervoor dat patiënten niet vaak medicijnen hoeven in te nemen, slechts één of meerdere keren per dag.


B. Voordelen van tabletten met verlengde afgifte


Door de afgiftetijd van het medicijn in het lichaam te verlengen, sustained-release tablets can ensure that patients receive stable and long-lasting drug treatment and avoid large fluctuations in drug concentrations. In aanvulling, such a design can reduce the number of medications patients take and reduce the inconvenience of taking medication.


C. Examples of sustained-release tablets


1. Compaxetine sustained-release tablets


2. Quinoxaline sustained-release tablets


3. Hydrochlorothiazide sustained-release tablets


D. Voordelen


1. Stable blood drug concentration: By delaying the release of drugs, blood drug concentrations can be stabilized to avoid excessive fluctuations in drug efficacy.


2. Low frequency of medication: Reduces the number of daily medications and reduces the complexity and annoyance of medical management.


3. Improved compliance: Since fewer doses are needed, this can improve patient compliance.


E. Nadelen


1. Complex dosage form design: The design and production process of sustained-release dosage forms are complex and costly.


2. Do not cut or chew arbitrarily: This may cause the drug to be released too quickly, causing overdose problems.


3. Individual differences: Some people may not respond as expected to sustained-release dosage forms, and may need to adjust the dosage form or medication regimen.




A. Definitie en beschrijving


Effervescent tablets are a special type of tablet that contains a desiccant, such as sodium bicarbonate, which dissolves quickly when placed in water. This type of tablets produce a large number of bubbles when it comes into contact with water, as if it isdissolving”, hence the name. It is generally used for the rapid delivery and release of oral drugs.


Effervescent tablet


B. How Effervescent Tablets Work


When an effervescent tablet comes into contact with water, the carbonate and acid components in it react chemically to produce carbon dioxide, which is why the effervescent tablet can dissolve quickly anddissolvein water. Tegelijkertijd, this process also allows the drug to be released quickly and absorbed by the body.


C. Examples of Effervescent Tablets


1. Vitamin C Effervescent Tablets


2. Alka-Seltzer (a type of antacid and antipyretic analgesic)


3. Berocca (an effervescent tablet containing vitamin B and VC)


D. Voordelen


1. Rapid absorption: Since the drug is dispersed in water, it is absorbed quickly by the body.


2. Easy to take: Effervescent tablets are a good choice for those who have difficulty swallowing pills.


3. Easy to flavor: Effervescent tablets can be flavored with a variety of flavors, making them more pleasant to take.


E. Nadelen


1. Storage issues: Effervescent tablets need to be kept dry, so storage is more difficult.


2. Difficult to carry: Since they need to be taken in water, they are not easy to take without taking in liquids.


3. Kosten: Effervescent tablets are more expensive to manufacture than regular tablets.




Different type of tablets allow doctors and pharmacists to choose the most appropriate dosage form based on the patient’s specific situation and the characteristics of the drug. For example, for drugs that are easily destroyed by gastric acid or may cause irritation to the gastric mucosa, enteric-coated tablets can be selected. For drugs that need to maintain a stable plasma drug concentration, sustained-release tablets can be selected. For the elderly, children or patients with difficulty swallowing, soluble tablets can be selected. This ensures that the drug is absorbed by the body at the right time and in the right way, thereby maximizing the therapeutic effect and reducing side effects. Therefore, different types of tablets play a vital role in effective and safe drug treatment.


If you want to know more about tablets, capsules and pharmaceutical, JinLu Packing firmly believes that with more than 30 years of industry experience, we can provide you with very useful help. Click here to get in touch with us. We are very keen to answer your questions.

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