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  • 정제의 종류: 당신이 알고 싶은 모든 것이 여기에 있습니다

정제의 종류: 당신이 알고 싶은 모든 것이 여기에 있습니다


정제의 정의


정제의 종류를 알고 싶습니다.? 정제, 흔히 알약으로 알려진, 주로 약성분을 함유한 분말 또는 과립을 고압에서 압축하여 제조한 것입니다. 태블릿 프레스 고정된 모양과 크기를 형성하기 위해. 이것들은 둥글 수 있습니다, 타원형 또는 기타 특수 모양, 일반적으로 약물의 함량과 효능을 식별하는 데 도움이 되도록 문자나 숫자가 새겨져 있습니다.. 정제는 세계에서 가장 일반적으로 사용되는 약물 투여 형태입니다., 그리고 휴대성 때문에 인기가 많죠, 간편한 보관, 그리고 사용의 용이성.


태블릿의 종류


정제의 종류


정제는 기능에 따라 대략 다음과 같은 범주로 나뉩니다., 모양, 및 투여방법:


1. 압축 정제

가장 일반적인 유형의 태블릿, 일반적으로 하나 이상의 약물을 압축하여 만들어집니다., 필러, adhesives and other ingredients.


2. Film-coated Tablets

Refers to tablets covered with a film coating, which can improve taste, increase aesthetics and mask the taste of the drug, 등.


3. Sustained-Release Tablets

These tablets release drugs gradually over a period of time to maintain a stable drug concentration and reduce the frequency of dosing.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Type of Tablets


There are many type of tablets due to their unique formulations and administration methods


Common Compressed Tablets


A. Definition and Description Type of Tablets


Compressed tablets, as the name implies, are formed by applying high pressure to drug powder or granules through a tablet press machine. In addition to the drug ingredients, they may also include fillers, compression agents, lubricants, 등. to optimize the tableting process and tablet properties. Compressed tablets are a common type of tablet and are also the most popular.


[jl_youtube src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/yf5dTLLYsLg”]




B. Uses of Compressed Tablets


Compressed type of tablets are widely used in the treatment of various diseases due to their sturdy appearance and ease of carrying. They can contain various types of drug ingredients, including antibiotics, pain medications, antidepressants, lipid-regulating drugs, and vitamins. The release rate and time of the drug can also be adjusted as needed to better meet the needs of patients and doctors.


기음. Examples of compressed tablets


1. Aspirin

2. Ibuprofen

3. Vitamin C tablets

4. L-carnitine tablets


D. 장점


1. Low production cost: The tableting process does not require the use of expensive equipment or complicated operating steps.


2. High energy density: Because the tablets are compressed tightly, each tablet can contain more drug.


3. Long shelf life: Because there is no moisture, it can prevent microbial growth, so the shelf life of the drug is longer.


E. 단점


1. Taste: Some people may find it difficult to swallow tablets.


2. Stability: For some unstable drugs, tableting may cause the drug to decompose or deteriorate.


3. No flavoring: Because the drug needs to be swallowed whole in the mouth, this limits its taste, which may make some tablets taste worse.


Coated tablets


This is a pharmaceutical dosage form in which one or more layers of drugs or other substances are coated on the surface of ordinary tablets. This coating type of tablets can protect the drug and prevent it from decomposing during storage, or it can cover the taste of the drug and improve the comfort of patients taking it.


film coated tablet




Protect the drug: It can prevent the drug from being affected by moisture, oxygen in the air and light during storage and transportation.

Enhanced stability: It can extend the shelf life of the drug and improve the stability of the drug.

Cover the taste: It can improve the taste and appearance of the tablets, making the tablets more acceptable and improving the compliance of patients taking the medicine.

Controlled release: It can regulate the release rate and location of the drug in the body to optimize the efficacy and reduce adverse reactions.




Complex production process: The production process of coated tablets is complex, requires special equipment and technology, and is costly.

May affect drug absorption: If the coating material is not selected properly or the coating process is not well controlled, it may affect the release of the drug, thereby affecting the bioavailability of the drug.

Harsh storage conditions: There are certain requirements for environmental conditions such as humidity, and it is easy to be affected by moisture and cause the coating to peel off.


Sustained-release tablets


A. Definition and description


Sustained-release tablets are specially designed tablets that release drugs gradually over a long period of time to maintain stable blood drug concentrations. This type of tablets feature means that patients do not need to take medication frequently, only once or several times a day.


B. Benefits of sustained-release tablets


By extending the release time of the drug in the body, 서방정은 환자가 안정적이고 오래 지속되는 약물 치료를 받고 약물 농도의 큰 변동을 방지할 수 있습니다.. 게다가, 이러한 디자인은 환자가 복용하는 약의 수를 줄이고 약 복용의 불편함을 줄일 수 있습니다..


기음. 서방정의 예


1. 콤팍세틴 서방정


2. 퀴녹살린 서방정


3. 히드로클로로티아지드 서방정


D. 장점


1. 안정적인 혈액 약물 농도: 약물 방출을 지연함으로써, 약물 효능의 과도한 변동을 피하기 위해 혈액 약물 농도를 안정화할 수 있습니다..


2. 약물 투여 빈도가 낮음: 일일 투약 횟수를 줄이고 의료 관리의 복잡성과 성가심을 줄입니다..


3. 규정 준수 개선: 필요한 복용량이 적기 때문에, 이는 환자의 순응도를 향상시킬 수 있습니다.


E. 단점


1. 복잡한 제형 디자인: The design and production process of sustained-release dosage forms are complex and costly.


2. Do not cut or chew arbitrarily: This may cause the drug to be released too quickly, causing overdose problems.


3. Individual differences: Some people may not respond as expected to sustained-release dosage forms, and may need to adjust the dosage form or medication regimen.


Effervescent tablets


A. Definition and description


Effervescent tablets are a special type of tablet that contains a desiccant, such as sodium bicarbonate, which dissolves quickly when placed in water. This type of tablets produce a large number of bubbles when it comes into contact with water, as if it isdissolving”, hence the name. It is generally used for the rapid delivery and release of oral drugs.


Effervescent tablet


B. How Effervescent Tablets Work


When an effervescent tablet comes into contact with water, the carbonate and acid components in it react chemically to produce carbon dioxide, which is why the effervescent tablet can dissolve quickly anddissolvein water. At the same time, this process also allows the drug to be released quickly and absorbed by the body.


기음. Examples of Effervescent Tablets


1. Vitamin C Effervescent Tablets


2. Alka-Seltzer (a type of antacid and antipyretic analgesic)


3. Berocca (an effervescent tablet containing vitamin B and VC)


D. 장점


1. Rapid absorption: Since the drug is dispersed in water, it is absorbed quickly by the body.


2. Easy to take: Effervescent tablets are a good choice for those who have difficulty swallowing pills.


3. Easy to flavor: Effervescent tablets can be flavored with a variety of flavors, making them more pleasant to take.


E. 단점


1. Storage issues: 발포성 정제는 건조한 상태로 보관해야 합니다., 그래서 보관이 더 어렵습니다.


2. 휴대하기 어려움: 물에 타서 먹어야 하기 때문에, 액체를 섭취하지 않고는 복용하기가 쉽지 않습니다..


3. 비용: 발포성 정제는 일반 정제보다 제조 비용이 더 비쌉니다..




다양한 유형의 정제를 통해 의사와 약사는 환자의 특정 상황과 약물의 특성에 따라 가장 적절한 제형을 선택할 수 있습니다.. 예를 들어, 위산에 의해 쉽게 파괴되거나 위점막에 자극을 줄 수 있는 약물, 장용정을 선택할 수 있습니다.. 안정적인 혈장 약물 농도를 유지해야 하는 약물의 경우, 서방정을 선택할 수 있습니다.. 노인용, 어린이나 삼키기 어려운 환자, 가용성 정제를 선택할 수 있습니다. This ensures that the drug is absorbed by the body at the right time and in the right way, thereby maximizing the therapeutic effect and reducing side effects. Therefore, different types of tablets play a vital role in effective and safe drug treatment.


If you want to know more about tablets, capsules and pharmaceutical, JinLu Packing firmly believes that with more than 30 years of industry experience, we can provide you with very useful help. Click here to get in touch with us. We are very keen to answer your questions.

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