
Zählmaschine für Tablettenkapseln

JL manufactures tablet capsule counting machines that are widely used in counting and bottling a wide range of pills, Tabletten, Kapseln, and other preparations. Our machines can work by themselves or integrate with other machines for a seamless production line.

Focused on continuous improvement, tablet counting machines from JL have structured and modular upgrades on key areas of the setup. Vibration tanks, pneumatic push plates, bottle sleeves, and continuous feeding mechanisms are carefully designed and outfitted with top-grade parts by industry veterans. These upgrades enhance the counting speed and accuracy while stabilizing performance for consistent output.

Request your free quote today and get the most competitive prices in the market.

  • Heim
  • Zählmaschine für Tablettenkapseln

Features of JL Tablet Capsule Counting Machines

With the innovative features, our line of tablet capsule counters has safer and more optimized production capabilities, befitting any business.

Breite Anwendbarkeit

It is suitable for counting tablets, transparent or opaque hard capsules, soft capsules and pills of various specifications within the length range of 2-40mm.

High-precision Counting

Independent photoelectric sensors, precision 360-degree scanning, infrared dynamic scanning, and FPJ parallel processing eliminates dead ends and raises counting accuracy to >99.97%.

Modular Design

Easy to maintain and clean while the entire cleaning and maintenance process can be completed in just 20 Minuten.

No Overlapping Materials

The multi-level stepped vibrating track effectively ensures that materials are separated in an orderly manner without overlapping, ensuring accurate counting.

Enclosed Vibration Track, High Stability

Enclosed vibration track prevent dust from falling into the main engine to maintain stable production.

Pneumatic Bottling Design

Compared with other models, the output is increased by more than 35%.

Optimize Your Production Line with JL Tablet Counters

With different models and capacities to choose from, imagination is the only limitation for elevating your production strength.

Maximale Kapazität50 BPM70 BPM80 BPM100 BPM
Leistungsfähiges Material2-40mm Capsule, Tablette, Pill etc.

Ich bin mir immer noch nicht sicher, welche Maschine für Sie am besten geeignet ist? Sie können unsere Experten kontaktieren, um Ihre individuelle Lösung zu besprechen, Von der modularen Maschine zur Verpackungslinie.

High-Performance Tablet & Capsule Counters

Explore the range of fine-tuned tablet capsule tablet counting and filling machines created by the industry experts.


Über JL

Befindet sich in Guangzhou, JL ist ein Anbieter von pharmazeutischen Verpackungsmaschinen mit integrierter Technik, Produktion und Vertrieb.

Unser Team konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung pharmazeutischer Verarbeitung & Verpackungsmaschinen, die Funktionalität vereinen, Qualität, und Wirtschaftlichkeit, Darüber hinaus bieten wir unseren Kunden einen problemlosen Service aus einer Hand.


Making Your Machine Purchasing Experience Smooth and Simple

Making Your Machine Purchasing Experience Smooth and Simple

Handling a business is a challenge in itself – and JL is here to take the stress and hassle of importing tablet counting machines.

We have service centers in the US and Hong Kong for fast and timely assistance from top technicians in the industry. And with a mature supply chain by our side, we can guarantee the most competitive prices available.

JL's Advantages

Schnellster 3-Tage-Versand

Die schnellste Lieferzeit beträgt 3 Tage. Ein ausreichender Lagerbestand gewährleistet eine pünktliche Lieferung.

Vollständige Inspektion

Eine strenge Inspektion vor dem Versand stellt sicher, dass die Maschine von hoher Qualität ist und Ihren Anforderungen voll und ganz entspricht.

On-site Debugging

Lokale Servicezentren in Hongkong und den Vereinigten Staaten bieten Serviceunterstützung vor Ort.


Lassen Sie sich von unseren Topcases inspirieren. Unsere Ingenieure helfen Ihnen dabei, Ihre Ideen für Pharmaverpackungsmaschinen zum Leben zu erwecken.

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