製薬業界の固形製剤分野で, 全自動 カプセル充填機 カプセル製剤の製造工程に欠かせない重要な設備です。. この機械の機能は、カプセル殻を自動的に分離することです。, 処方に従って正確に薬を充填します。 (これらの成分は粉末にすることができます, 顆粒, ペレットまたは液体), 最後にカプセル本体とカプセルキャップを密封します, カプセル製剤全体のコアワークフローを完了する.
新型コロナウイルス感染症のパンデミックが終息し、世界経済が徐々に回復する中, 人々は健康にますます注意を払い続けています, その結果、医薬品や栄養製品の需要が増加し続けることになります。, which means that the production needs of pharmaceutical factories are also growing. As a key equipment to achieve automated and intelligent production, fully automatic capsule filler have been used in medium and large pharmaceutical factories with remarkable production efficiency, precision and reliability.
With more than 30 years of experience in manufacturing pharmaceutical and packaging machinery, JinLu Packing will tell you below about some of the main advantages of fully automatic capsule filler. We hope these will be what you want to know.
Compared with traditional semi-automatic models or manual desktop capsule trays, 全自動カプセル封入機の最大の利点は、その並外れた生産効率であり、現代の大量生産の要件により適合していることです。. 完全に自動化されたプロセスにより、熟練労働者に頼る必要がなくなり、工場に長期的な作業を提供します。, 継続的な, 中断のない生産, これにより医薬品の生産能力が大幅に向上します. 加えて, 労働資源の需要が減少します, 医薬品の所在地を選択するためのより多くの選択肢を提供します, 地元の労働力が豊かかどうかに依存しなくなりました, 企業は採用にかかる時間とコストを大幅に節約できます.
工場の生産能力や事業の拡大を計画している場合, そうすれば、自動充填カプセルマシンはあなたにとってより理想的な機器になります。. 当社のNJP-3800D high speed capsule filler has a maximum output of 228,000 1時間あたりのカプセル数. Whether it is filled with powder or pellets, it can be easily mastered and is a great boost to your business.
[jl_youtube ソース=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/w0M8aYtb5s8″]
The second advantage of the automatic encapsulating machine is its excellent filling accuracy. Since the entire production process does not require manual intervention, there will be no manual mismatching of medicines, large dosage errors, and unstable production efficiency. It uses advanced mechanical devices and PLC control systems to ensure that the dosage of medicine filled in each capsule is accurate, and controls the quality of the medicine from the source.
Precise human medicine intake dosage is the basis for improving health. JinLu Packing の NJP シリーズ自動カプセル充填機は、 99%. それを選択すると、完成したカプセルの均一性と均一性が保証されます。.
全自動充填カプセル機は、製薬会社に長期的なカプセル充填機を提供するように設計されています。, 安定した信頼性の高い動作. 機械の工業設計と製造により、長期間の連続運転後も安定した性能を維持できます。, 機械エラーによる生産中断や、装置のデバッグやメンテナンスに費やす時間を回避します。. これらすべての要素は、生産の継続性と安定性を高め、最終的には生産効率を向上させることを目的としています。.
充填カプセル機は自動的に厳格な品質管理を実現します. The entire process of material feeding, capsule sowing, 充填, defective product detection, 封印, product output, mold cleaning, 等. can be monitored and adjusted in real time through the control system, so that rapid detection can be achieved. and troubleshooting problems in the production process to ensure the consistency and quality of pharmaceutical products.
Today’s pharmaceutical formulations are becoming more and more complex, and manufacturers can configure highly versatile equipment to freely produce pharmaceutical dosage forms according to market demand. The fully automatic capsules filling machine can achieve adaptability to various pharmaceutical formulas by changing the feeding device of the filling station. Our full range of NJP models also reserve three add-on devices at the filling station, which can easily handle powders and granules, and can achieve a variety of formulas for single powder, single granule, and powder plus materials. If you need to fill capsules of different sizes, you do not need to purchase multiple pieces of equipment. The fully automatic encapsulating machine can handle capsules of 000-5 size by changing the mold.
Our capsule filler automatic comes with a set of standard molds and enough consumable parts for one year for free, saving you costs and providing a higher return on investment.
CGMP, the full name is Current Good Manufacturing Practice. Many countries have formulated strict requirements for pharmaceutical production based on this specification, including quality control, operating procedures, personnel training, records and reporting, 等. From the perspective of production environment, the automatic encapsulation machine full automatic does not require manual intervention, thus significantly reducing the risk of contamination. It has been dust-proof, rust-proof and processed. The closed outer cover reduces the adverse impact of external conditions on medicine quality. The working environment is extremely clean and fully meets cGMP production management requirements. If your country and region have strict cGMP requirements for pharmaceutical production, then you can only choose a fully automatic model when purchasing a capsule machine.
The capsule filler automatic machines all use PLC operating systems and touch screens. The entire intelligent control system achieves real-time production status monitoring and adjustment of various parameters. The visual, user-friendly interface provides the machine operator with prompt information about machine operation and possible problems, effectively reducing the time required for troubleshooting, メンテナンス, and cleaning. In addition to the basic functions of the system mentioned above, our NJP series capsule machines also provide various API interface functions, providing unlimited possibilities for subsequent function upgrades and function development, such as integrating printing functions, production and uploading of real-time machine parameters. and downloads, providing strong support for the realization of Industry 4.0.
In short, 全自動カプセル充填機には、手動または半自動の類似製品とは比較できない幅広い利点があります。. しかし、現在存在する利点は、必ずしも改善の余地がないことやイノベーションの停滞を意味するものではありません。. 全自動カプセル充填機は、高額なメンテナンス費用やオペレーターに一定の技術スキルが必要であるなどの問題に直面する可能性があります。. 柔軟性, 正確さ, 上記の信頼性と生産効率は、あらゆる工業レベルの医薬品に強固な生産基盤を提供し、製薬産業の発展に強力な推進力をもたらします。.