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Máquina de recubrimiento: Proceso de recubrimiento de película para tabletas

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En la industria farmacéutica, muchas tabletas producidas por el prensa de tabletas Es necesario utilizar el proceso de recubrimiento de película de la tableta después del producto terminado para mejorar la apariencia del medicamento., y mejorar su estabilidad y funcionalidad. Las máquinas de recubrimiento son un equipo clave en este proceso.. Este artículo profundizará en varios aspectos del proceso de recubrimiento con película de tableta para ayudarle a comprender cómo optimizar el proceso para obtener mejores resultados..

Recubrimiento de tableta

Descripción general del recubrimiento de película para tabletas

1.1 ¿Qué es el recubrimiento de película para tabletas??

El recubrimiento con película de tabletas es una técnica utilizada para cubrir la superficie de tabletas farmacéuticas con una película delgada.. la película, generalmente hecho de un material polimérico, protege la tableta de influencias ambientales externas como la humedad, oxígeno y luz. Al mismo tiempo, El recubrimiento de película mejora el sabor y la apariencia del medicamento., haciéndolo más competitivo en el mercado. En el proceso de fabricación farmacéutica., El recubrimiento de película mejora la estabilidad del fármaco., permite tasas de liberación controladas, y, en última instancia, aumenta la eficacia terapéutica..

máquina de recubrimiento

1.2 Áreas de aplicación del recubrimiento cinematográfico para tabletas.

El recubrimiento cinematográfico de tabletas tiene una amplia gama de aplicaciones en la industria farmacéutica.:

Mejora de la estabilidad del fármaco.: El recubrimiento puede aislar eficazmente el aire y la humedad para evitar la oxidación o la humedad., extendiendo así la vida útil de los medicamentos.

Control de liberación de drogas.: Diseñando diferentes formulaciones de recubrimiento., La velocidad de liberación de los fármacos se puede controlar para lograr una liberación lenta., liberación controlada y otros efectos para mejorar el efecto terapéutico de los medicamentos.

Mejorar el sabor de las drogas.: Para algunas drogas, El recubrimiento de película puede enmascarar el sabor amargo o el mal sabor del fármaco., hacer que el medicamento sea más fácil de tragar.

Mejorar la apariencia de las drogas.: El hermoso recubrimiento mejora el atractivo de los medicamentos en el mercado y hace que los productos sean más competitivos..


Working principle of coating machine

2.1 Basic structure of coating machine

Coating machine is a kind of automatic equipment, its main structure includes:

Spraying system: it is used to spray the coating liquid evenly onto the tablet surface. The design and position of the spray nozzle is critical to the coating effect.

Rotation system: Ensures the even rotation of tablets during the coating process, resulting in uniform coverage. The speed and angle of the rotation system must be adjusted based on specific requirements.

Drying System: Removes solvents from the coating solution by heating or air drying to ensure film curing and adhesion.

Control system: includes an operation panel and a controller for setting and monitoring various parameters in the coating process, such as spraying speed, temperature and humidity.

Diagrama del proceso de la máquina de recubrimiento.

2.2 Flujo del proceso de recubrimiento cinematográfico de tabletas

El flujo del proceso de recubrimiento de película generalmente incluye los siguientes pasos:

Pretratamiento de tabletas: antes del recubrimiento, Las tabletas deben limpiarse y secarse para garantizar que la superficie esté libre de impurezas., lo que facilita la adhesión uniforme del recubrimiento.

Secado de tabletas

Preparación de solución de recubrimiento.: Se prepara una solución de recubrimiento adecuada según los requisitos del medicamento.. Esto suele implicar la selección de materiales poliméricos adecuados., Disolventes y aditivos y mezcla homogénea..

Proceso de pulverización: La solución de recubrimiento se pulveriza uniformemente sobre la superficie de la tableta mediante un sistema de pulverización para formar una película fina.. Durante el proceso de pulverización, the pressure and angle of the spray nozzle need to be adjusted to ensure uniformity of the coating.


Drying: The solvent in the coating solution is removed by a drying system to solidify the film. The drying process requires precise control of temperature and duration, tailored to the specific formulation of the coating solution.

Quality checking: quality checking of the coated tablets to ensure that the thickness of the film is uniform, firmly attached and free from defects.


Key elements of film coating process for tablets

3.1 Preparation of coating liquid

The preparation of coating liquid is crucial to the effect of film coating:

coating solution

Solvent selection: the solvent should have good solubility properties and be able to fully dissolve the polymer material. Commonly used solvents include water and organic solvents.

Additives: lubricants, plasticizers and stabilizers are added as needed to improve the fluidity of the coating solution and the performance of the film.

Concentration control: The concentration of the coating solution should be adjusted according to the characteristics of the tablet and the coating requirements to ensure that the thickness of the film is moderate and uniform.

3.2 Temperature and humidity control in the coating process

The control of temperature and humidity has a direct influence on the coating quality:

Temperature control: The temperature during the coating process needs to be controlled in a suitable range to ensure the drying effect of the coating solution. Temperatures that are either too high or too low may result in issues with film quality.

Humidity control: too high humidity may lead to uneven drying of the coating solution, while too low humidity may lead to brittle film. Ensure the quality and stability of the film by reasonably controlling the humidity of the environment.

3.3 Operating parameters of coating machine

The operating parameters of the coating machine include:

Spraying speed: Spraying speed affects the uniformity of coating and film thickness. Adjustments should be made based on specific production requirements.

Rotation speed: the rotation speed affects the turning effect of tablets in the coating process to ensure that the coating liquid can evenly cover the surface of tablets.

Drying time: the drying time affects the curing effect of the film, which needs to be adjusted according to the formulation of the coating solution and production requirements.


Optimization of tablet film coating process

4.1 Common problems and solutions

The following problems may be encountered during the tablet film coating process:

Poor film adhesion: This may be caused by improper formulation of coating liquid or unreasonable setting of spraying parameters. Solutions include adjusting the concentration of coating solution and selecting suitable solvents.

Uneven coating: Commonly due to mismatch of spraying speed or rotation speed. Optimization of spraying and rotating parameters can be used to ensure uniform distribution of the coating solution.

Film cracking: may be due to high temperature or low humidity during drying. Adjust the drying temperature and humidity to ensure film integrity.

4.2 Suggestions for improving coating quality

In order to improve the coating quality, you may consider the following suggestions:

Choose the right coating machine: Ensure that the coating machine’s spraying system, rotating system and drying system meet the production requirements.

Adjust the process parameters: Optimize the spraying speed, rotating speed and drying time according to the actual production situation in order to obtain the best coating effect.

Improve the coating solution formula: Find the most suitable coating solution formula for your product through experiment and optimization to enhance the quality and function of the film.


Selection and maintenance of coating machine

5.1 Choosing the right coating machine

When choosing a coating machine, you need to consider the following factors:

Equipment specification: Select the appropriate equipment specification according to the production scale and product characteristics to ensure that it meets the production requirements.

Capacidad de producción: The production capacity of the coating machine should be matched with the production schedule to ensure production efficiency.

Technical support: Choose an equipment supplier that provides good technical support and service to ensure the normal operation and maintenance of the equipment.

5.2 Maintenance and repair of coating machine

In order to ensure the long-term stable operation of the coating machine, regular maintenance and repair are required:

Cleaning: Clean the coating system and rotating system regularly to prevent residual coating solution from affecting the performance of the equipment.

Inspection: Regularly inspect the equipment’s components, including the spray nozzle, rotating system, and drying system, to ensure they are functioning correctly.

Maintenance: Follow the equipment manufacturer’s recommendations for maintenance, including lubrication and replacement of wearing parts, to extend the life of the equipment.



Tablet film coating process is of great significance in pharmaceutical production. By mastering the working principle of the coating machine, optimizing the process parameters and selecting the right equipment, you can significantly improve the quality and stability of the drug. Reasonable maintenance of the coating machine to ensure its long-term stable operation will help you get the best results in production.


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