Mesin pengisian kapsul sangat penting dalam dunia farmasi, industri nutraceutical dan bioteknologi. Ini dapat mengisi kapsul dengan obat atau nutrisi secara efisien dan akurat, memastikan kualitas dan stabilitas produk. Below are the top 5 capsule filling machine manufacturers in the world in 2024, who occupy a key position in the industry with superior technology and quality.
Headquartered in Germany, Syntegon is a leader in the field of capsule filling machines. Formerly known as Bosch Packaging Technology, Syntegon has more than 160 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and more than 50 years of experience in supplying capsule filling machines. With subsidiaries in more than 30 locations around the world and 5,800 employees working every day towards the common goal of “processing and packaging for a better life”, Syntegon’s GKF series of capsule fillers are suitable for a wide range of applications, from small-scale production in the research and development phase to pilot scale or large-scale manufacturing. Syntegon’s GKF series of capsule fillers are suitable for a variety of applications, from small-scale production in the R&D phase, to pilot scale or large-scale manufacturing. With advanced slide gate technology for powder/granule filling, vacuum wheel dosing for microdose capsules, and precise volume dosing for liquid filling, it offers the right solution for different filling materials.
Main products: GKF series of capsule filling machines.
Advantage: More than 160 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and more than 50 years of experience in the supply of capsule filling machines. Subsidiaries in more than 30 locations worldwide with 5,800 employees. State-of-the-art slide gate technology for powder/granule filling, dosis roda vakum untuk kapsul dosis mikro dan dosis volume yang tepat untuk pengisian cairan memberikan solusi yang tepat untuk bahan pengisi yang berbeda. Baik itu produksi skala kecil di R&tahap D, skala percontohan atau manufaktur skala besar, ia dapat memenuhi tugasnya dengan sangat baik.
Alasan yang Direkomendasikan: Sebagai merek terkenal di industri, Syntegon menyediakan mesin pengisian kapsul yang andal dan efisien berdasarkan sejarah mendalam dan pengalamannya yang kaya. Produk-produknya berteknologi maju dan memiliki beragam aplikasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan produksi dengan berbagai ukuran.
Harro Höfliger, juga dari Jerman, juga merupakan merek terkenal di industri mesin pengisian kapsul. Perusahaan ini memiliki akumulasi teknologi yang mendalam dan pengalaman yang kaya di bidang teknologi pengemasan. Mesin pengisian kapsul mereka terkenal dengan efisiensi tinggi dan kinerja stabil dalam memenuhi permintaan pelanggan akan produksi kapsul berkualitas tinggi. Peralatan mereka dirancang dengan memperhatikan detail, mudah dioperasikan dan mudah dirawat, memberikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan bagi pengguna. Secara global, Mesin pengisian kapsul Harro Höfliger banyak digunakan dalam industri farmasi dan nutraceutical dan telah mendapatkan pengakuan dan kepercayaan yang tinggi dari pelanggan.
Main products: Seri Modu-C berkinerja tinggi, mesin pengisian kapsul yang disesuaikan.
Advantage: Akumulasi teknis yang mendalam dan pengalaman yang kaya di bidang teknologi pengemasan. Peralatan ini terkenal dengan efisiensi tinggi dan kinerja stabil, yang dapat bertemu pelanggan’ kebutuhan produksi kapsul berkualitas tinggi. Dirancang dengan memperhatikan detail, they are easy to operate and easy to maintain.
Alasan yang Direkomendasikan: Harro Höfliger’s capsule filling machines are used all over the world for their stable performance and good user experience. It is a good choice for customers who are looking for high quality production and easy operation.
Pengepakan Jinlu, as an excellent capsule filling machine manufacturer in China, has emerged in the international market in recent years. The company focuses on the research, development, production and sales of capsule filling machines, and constantly improves the technical level and quality of its products.Jinlu Packing’s capsule filling machines have a high degree of automation, which can realize fast and accurate capsule filling, and effectively improve the production efficiency. Pada saat yang sama, perusahaan berfokus pada inovasi produk, dan terus-menerus memperkenalkan model peralatan baru untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar. Produknya tidak hanya menempati pangsa tertentu di pasar dalam negeri, tetapi juga diekspor ke banyak negara dan wilayah, untuk industri manufaktur mesin pengisian kapsul Tiongkok telah memenangkan penghargaan tersebut. Di masa depan, Jinlu Packing akan terus meningkatkan investasi dalam penelitian dan pengembangan, dan senantiasa meningkatkan daya saing produk, untuk menyediakan lebih banyak produk mesin pengisian kapsul berkualitas tinggi kepada pelanggan di seluruh dunia.
Produk Utama: Berbagai model mesin pengisian kapsul sepenuhnya otomatis dengan otomatisasi tingkat tinggi.
Advantage: Mengkhususkan diri dalam R&D, production and sales of capsule filling machines, dan terus meningkatkan tingkat teknis dan kualitas produk. Produk memiliki otomatisasi tingkat tinggi, which can realize fast and accurate capsule filling and effectively improve production efficiency. Focus on product innovation, and constantly launch new models of equipment to meet market demand. Provide global perfect after-sales and technical support services to ensure safety and peace of mind.
Alasan yang Direkomendasikan: As an excellent capsule filling machine manufacturer in China, Jinlu Packing has emerged in the international market. Produknya tidak hanya menempati pangsa tertentu di pasar dalam negeri, tetapi juga diekspor ke banyak negara dan wilayah. With price advantage, technology and quality are also improving, providing customers with cost-effective choices.
Italy’s IMA has a high reputation in the field of pharmaceutical and packaging machinery. Its capsule filling machine products are made of advanced technology and high-quality materials, with stable performance and reliable quality.IMA’s capsule filling machine focuses on humanization in design, with user-friendly operation interface, which is easy for operators to use. IMA’s capsule filling machines are widely used in many countries and regions around the world, and have made significant contributions to the development of the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries.
Main products: ADAPTA series capsule filling machines.
Advantage: Highly recognized in the field of pharmaceutical and packaging machinery. Manufactured with advanced technology and high quality materials, it has stable performance and reliable quality. The design focuses on humanization and the operation interface is friendly and easy for operators to use. Provide perfect after-sales service.
Alasan yang Direkomendasikan:IMA’s capsule filling machine solves customers’ worries in production with its advanced technology, high-quality materials and good after-sales service. It is a reliable choice for customers who emphasize on brand and service.
Germany’s Fette Compacting is a company specializing in the manufacture of pharmaceutical machinery, its capsule filling machine products have a high reputation in the industry. The company has advanced production technology and strict quality control system to ensure the quality and performance of the products.Fette Compacting’s capsule filling machine has high precision filling function, which can ensure the accurate dosage of drugs or nutrients in the capsule. Pada saat yang sama, their equipment operates efficiently to meet the demands of mass production. Fette Compacting’s capsule filling machines are widely used in the global pharmaceutical industry and have been well received by customers.
Main products: Focusing on pharmaceutical machinery manufacturing, FEC series capsule filling machine products have a high reputation in the industry.
Advantage: With advanced production technology and strict quality control system to ensure the quality and performance of products. The capsule filling machine has high precision filling function, which can ensure the accurate dosage of drugs or nutrients in the capsule. The equipment operates with high efficiency and can meet the needs of mass production.
Alasan yang Direkomendasikan:Fette Compacting provides reliable equipment for the pharmaceutical industry with its strict quality control and high precision filling function. Ini adalah pilihan yang layak bagi produsen skala besar dengan persyaratan kualitas produk yang ketat.
Kesimpulannya, bagian atas di atas 5 produsen mesin pengisian kapsul memiliki keunggulan signifikan dalam hal inovasi teknologi, kualitas produk dan pangsa pasar, dan produk mereka memberikan dukungan kuat bagi pengembangan industri farmasi dan nutraceutical. Di masa depan, dengan terus berkembangnya industri dan kemajuan teknologi, produsen ini akan terus memimpin pengembangan teknologi mesin pengisian kapsul dan menyediakan produk mesin pengisian kapsul yang lebih baik dan lebih efisien kepada pelanggan di seluruh dunia..
Setiap produk dan pabrik memiliki tantangan dan situasi pengemasannya masing-masing. Kami siap membantu dengan mesin yang terjamin kualitasnya, solusi yang disesuaikan, dan layanan paling bebas repot.
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Tautan Ramah: Pengepakan Kaya | Produsen Mesin Pengisian Kapsul